Would it encourage you to know that God cries ? People like to paint this picture of God up in Heaven like an angry old man just looking to punish anyone doing something wrong . It's important that you understand that God is love and even when He has to punish sin it's always through the filter of His love . In Psalm 86:15 The Bible says " But Thou , O Lord , art a God merciful and gracious , slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth "
The first time we see Jesus wept is in John 11:35 and the verse just says " Jesus wept " The back ground to this is a dear friend of Jesus had died and the mans family and friend's were there pleading for Jesus to do something . There are so many reasons that Jesus cried at this time , but I just want to focus on one thing for this message .That one thing is God feels pain when we lose a loved one . That pain and hurt isn't for the person that died and has gone on to Heaven because they are in total peace and without anymore trouble from this life . God hates the pain we feel from the loss of a loved one . He knows what that is all about because He lost His Son to pay the price of mans sin ( John 3:16 ) . If you have lost a loved one ( we all will ) then know that Jesus cries with us
The second time Jesus wept is in Luke 19:41 -" And when He approached , He saw the city and wept over it", . The back ground for this is that Jesus was going into the city to be proclaimed King . The people had a different idea of what kind of King He was . They wanted a conquering King to overthrow the Romans , but Jesus was there to die . When the people failed to accept this and ultimately reject Him it would turn into a nightmare for them seventy years later when the Romans burned down the Temple and scattered the Jews all over the world . This was the end of the Jewish nation until 1946 . The whole reason Jesus wept was because they refused to accept Him as Lord and Savior and that rejection caused the destruction of Israel and the death of so many . It could have been avoided if the people would have accepted Jesus ,but they were unwilling . Jesus had spend three and a half years preaching in synagogues trying to reach the people and they would not listen . Time had run out and now the pain and suffering that was coming was seen by Jesus and so He wept .
As you now know death is a painful process for everyone including God . Death was not part of the original plan , but man through Adam sinned against God's law and God Himself paid the price for that sin on the cross . The problem is no longer who will pay the cost of mans sin ,but rather or not YOU will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior . The Jewish people rejected Jesus and so reaped the cost of that choice by being destroyed and causing God to wept . Let me be clear about something and that is God DOESN'T want you to perish . Ezekiel 33:11 says " Say to them 'As I live!" declares the Lord God,' I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked ,but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live....God waits for you to turn away from your sinful life so He can show you mercy . He loves you more than you know and wants you to avoid the destruction that everyone rejecting Him will receive . Make no mistake that time will run out and God will wept for the lost , but He is a holy God and must deal with sin. Either by people accepting what Jesus did on the cross or they will have to face a holy God with their sins intact .
My question to you is why would you do that ? You need to know God loves you completely . Don't be one of those that go to destruction and make God weep .
You might be saying " What must I do then " and my answer is pray .The Bible says Romans 10:9-10
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord , and believe in your heart that God raised Him form the dead,you shall be saved ; for with the heart man believes ,resulting in righteousness ,and with the mouth he confesses , resulting in salvation . Here is a simple prayer -
Father I'm sorry for my sin and all the wrong I've done . I believe in Jesus and the price He paid for me on the cross . I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and turn from my old life to follow Jesus . Please accept me and make me your disciple . Thank you for forgiving me , in Jesus name I pray Amen .
On the authority of the Bible I tell you if you meant what you prayed then you are a child of God with all of the promises of God and the hope of eternal life in heaven .
The first time we see Jesus wept is in John 11:35 and the verse just says " Jesus wept " The back ground to this is a dear friend of Jesus had died and the mans family and friend's were there pleading for Jesus to do something . There are so many reasons that Jesus cried at this time , but I just want to focus on one thing for this message .That one thing is God feels pain when we lose a loved one . That pain and hurt isn't for the person that died and has gone on to Heaven because they are in total peace and without anymore trouble from this life . God hates the pain we feel from the loss of a loved one . He knows what that is all about because He lost His Son to pay the price of mans sin ( John 3:16 ) . If you have lost a loved one ( we all will ) then know that Jesus cries with us
The second time Jesus wept is in Luke 19:41 -" And when He approached , He saw the city and wept over it", . The back ground for this is that Jesus was going into the city to be proclaimed King . The people had a different idea of what kind of King He was . They wanted a conquering King to overthrow the Romans , but Jesus was there to die . When the people failed to accept this and ultimately reject Him it would turn into a nightmare for them seventy years later when the Romans burned down the Temple and scattered the Jews all over the world . This was the end of the Jewish nation until 1946 . The whole reason Jesus wept was because they refused to accept Him as Lord and Savior and that rejection caused the destruction of Israel and the death of so many . It could have been avoided if the people would have accepted Jesus ,but they were unwilling . Jesus had spend three and a half years preaching in synagogues trying to reach the people and they would not listen . Time had run out and now the pain and suffering that was coming was seen by Jesus and so He wept .
As you now know death is a painful process for everyone including God . Death was not part of the original plan , but man through Adam sinned against God's law and God Himself paid the price for that sin on the cross . The problem is no longer who will pay the cost of mans sin ,but rather or not YOU will accept Jesus as Lord and Savior . The Jewish people rejected Jesus and so reaped the cost of that choice by being destroyed and causing God to wept . Let me be clear about something and that is God DOESN'T want you to perish . Ezekiel 33:11 says " Say to them 'As I live!" declares the Lord God,' I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked ,but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live....God waits for you to turn away from your sinful life so He can show you mercy . He loves you more than you know and wants you to avoid the destruction that everyone rejecting Him will receive . Make no mistake that time will run out and God will wept for the lost , but He is a holy God and must deal with sin. Either by people accepting what Jesus did on the cross or they will have to face a holy God with their sins intact .
My question to you is why would you do that ? You need to know God loves you completely . Don't be one of those that go to destruction and make God weep .
You might be saying " What must I do then " and my answer is pray .The Bible says Romans 10:9-10
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord , and believe in your heart that God raised Him form the dead,you shall be saved ; for with the heart man believes ,resulting in righteousness ,and with the mouth he confesses , resulting in salvation . Here is a simple prayer -
Father I'm sorry for my sin and all the wrong I've done . I believe in Jesus and the price He paid for me on the cross . I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and turn from my old life to follow Jesus . Please accept me and make me your disciple . Thank you for forgiving me , in Jesus name I pray Amen .
On the authority of the Bible I tell you if you meant what you prayed then you are a child of God with all of the promises of God and the hope of eternal life in heaven .
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