Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are You To Busy For God ?

My message is for the non-believer and the believer . We all have busy lives , trying to work to keep food on the table or go to school so we can earn a living . There is nothing wrong with those things and the Bible even says in Genesis 3:19 - By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread,Till you return to the ground ,..... or in other words , if you want to eat you need to work .The problem comes in when we spend all of our time running around DOING  things when we should be sitting and listening , or being at rest with God .
                                                                  Did you know that God created the Sabbath ( day of rest ) for us ? God knows us better then we know ourselves and He knew that if He didn't tell us to set aside a time to be at rest with Him we would not stop . Did you ever wonder why God calls us sheep ? You see sheep can do some funny things sometimes . Did you know that sheep will run themselves to death and must be forced to lie down ?  The Sheppard's job is to keep sheep ( us )  out of harm , Psalm 23:1-3 says The Lord is my Shepperd ,I shall not want  , He makes me lie in green pastures ; He leads me besides quiet waters . He restores my soul ; He guides me in the path of righteousness for His name's sake .
                                                                 What God wants YOU to know is that He loves YOU  so much and He desires to spend time with YOU  . That alone should amaze YOU  because here the Creator of all things , with all power and wisdom wants YOU . He wants to spend time with YOU  ,He wants to show YOU the plan He has for YOU . I guess that got a little annoying  with all the " you" thing  , but I want to hammer the point . God did it a better way when He sent His only Son to the cross for you .
                                                                 Let me finish and say that if you're a Christian reading this and you're  to busy DOING instead of listening and spending time with God , then you need to stop . Get back to church , read the Bible , sharing your faith , singing praise to God . Have you been asking yourself why things don't seem to be going right for you , like everything goes wrong . Understand that God might trying to get your attention ,but you keep running around . Stop and see if there isn't something  God is trying to show or tell you . Maybe He just wants to spend time with you like a loving Father just enjoys the company of His kids .
                                                                   If  you're  not a Christian and you're reading this can I just say God is trying to reach you as well . How do I know ? well , you're reading this . Nothing happens by accident with God and if you have made your way here it's because God has lead you here . Stop running from God and acting like you don't have the time . There will be a day when there isn't any time left rather by your personal death or it's the end of days ,but make no mistake , time will end for everyone . Make time for God now while you have the chance . God loves you .

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